Giving Tuesday - Assembly of God Church in Canoncito Needs New Roof

Giving Tuesday - Assembly of God Church in Canoncito Needs New Roof

Year End Project

Assembly of God Church in Canoncito was in dire need of a new roof

We were informed recently that the Assembly of God Church in Canoncito was in dire need of a new roof. The attached photos confirm this. Canoncito is a small village northwest of Albuquerque, NM, and the church serves around 200 persons in the village. The church is led by the Begay family, the longtime pastor went home to heaven a few years back and is now led by Marjorie Begay, his daughter. We would like to put this project on your prayer list, as the situation is getting worse and will need be addressed as soon as funds, time and weather permit. Please prayerfully consider this project with your year end giving with the vision of a better worship center for Canoncito in 2020!



Assembly of God Church in Canoncito broken roof

Roof damage

Roof Renovation

Roof rotting out

Assembly of God Church in Canoncito needs roof


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